Thứ Ba, 7 tháng 6, 2011

iPhone 5 Features

iPhone 5 Features

Dear Apple please be upstanding while we take you through a few pointers of the top 5 most wanted iPhone 5 features that will make us applaud you.

There are so many new features customers would love to have on the next generation Apple smartphone and if the iPhone 5 expected to release in September incorporated any of the ones we mention below then happy days all round as they say.

iDB have given a few features and we have a few more, 1080p video capture would be a fantastic addition if Apple could give users this on the new iPhone 5 because seeing 1080p streaming to the Apple TV would be amazing.

Many have the GSM iPhone 4 and Verizon has the CDMA version so it makes sense to give all a world phone, basically the new iPhone 5g should have both GSM and CDMA capabilities. The third feature has to be a 720p front-facing camera, which would be perfect for FaceTime as the video call would be of superior quality.

Number four has to be a brand new design, please get rid of the glass back and bring us the old aluminium back cover or push the boat out and make it carbon fibre.

The Apple Mac Pro and Mac Airs feature the Thunderbolt port so surely the new upcoming iPhone 5 should have the same port. So far that is the top 5 most wanted iPhone 5 features 2011, if you have any more features you would like the iPhone5 to have please let us know.

Pushing The Boat Out (More Features): Edge-to-Edge display, 3D cameras, 4G technology, Smaller SIM cards, better battery life, 8-megapixel camera or better, Speech to Text Conversion

Here's more on the iPhone 5 news.

September iPhone 5 release date: odds of 4G, redesign, white, colors

September iPhone 5 release date: odds of 4G, redesign, white, colors

Don't expect the iPhone 5 to see a release date prior to September, as the recent arrival of the white iPhone 4 means Apple doesn't expect to have a new iPhone generation ready to go quite as soon as this summer. But the longer the iPhone 5 takes to arrive, the better the odds of certain features coming along for the ride. Here are the odds of various iPhone 5 potential features making the cut if September 2011 indeed ends up being the official release date.

4G: This is tricky because the two current iPhone carriers, Verizon and AT&T, both barely have any 4G rollout to speak of. For Apple to add 4G networking hardware to the iPhone 5, it would have to be confident that one or both carriers will have far more 4G LTE in place by the end of the iPhone 5 era than at the beginning of it. The odds of Apple including it are reasonable, but not great.

Redesign: Here's where the odds get better. Apple has used the current iPhone 4 body styling three times: first with the original iPhone 4, then with the Verizon iPhone 4, and now with the white iPhone 4. Sure, it's all been less than a year in the making. But Apple has used the styling one too many times (arguably two too many times) to be using it yet again, particularly at a time when many or most are expecting a full revamp for the iPhone 5.

iPhone 5 white : The iPhone 4 will stick around as the bargain bin model in the iPhone 5 era. The fact that Apple has released a white iPhone 5 at all means that both the black and white iPhone 4 models are likely to stick around in the iPhone 5 era. And while Apple could blow up the blueprint with an exposed brushed metal iPhone 5 design or some such, it's difficult to picture there being a white iPhone 4 but not a white iPhone 5. So the odds are strong, to say the least, that there will be a white iPhone 5.

Colors: The more colors Apple adds to the iPhone lineup, the more retail SKUs there are to deal with and the more inventory snafus (witness the current eighteen iPad 2 models, and that's for just two colors). But if the iPhone 5g is indeed to be a hybrid device which works on both carriers, that would mean a mere four SKUs total: 16 and 32 GB models in a choice of black or white. That would give Apple room to add colors to the mix, as a way to differentiate the iPhone5 both from the cheaper iPhone 4 and from competitors who have over-fixated on the color white. Here's more on the iPhone 5 news.

Thứ Hai, 6 tháng 6, 2011

iPhone 5 feautures

iPhone 5 feautures

In 2011, we have seen some of the most up-to-date breakthroughs when it comes to mobile computing technologies. A few of the best smartphones that was released this year with the newest software and hardware platforms include Motorolla Atrix, HTC Thunderbolt, Samsung Galaxy S2, amongst others. Now, there are rumors online about the expected launch of Apple's iPhone 5 which is the next generation of mobile. As a result, consumers are speculating about the possible iPhone 5 features.

Better Graphics and Dual Core Processor
Following the launch of iPad 2 and various other smartphones with quicker dual core processors, consumers are expecting that the A5 chip will be in the new iPhone. This A5 has a dual core ARM Cortex A9 MP Core processor as well as a dual core Power VR SGX543MP2 GPU. The A5 is listed by Apple to function at 1 GHz based on the technical specifications of ipad 2 review, though it could dynamically change its frequency in order to conserve battery life. According to Apple, this CPU will be two times as powerful, while the GPU will be nine times as powerful as the forerunner.
One more important component of this chip would be its efficiency of battery life. When iPad 2 was released to the market, it was announced that we can expect 10 hours of battery life with its improved performance and hardware. The exact same thing should be expected from the iPhone 5g.
Near-Field Communication
Most of the rumors are focused on whether or not iPhone5 will come with hardware for Near-Field Communication. Given that Google's Nexus S featured the NFC technology and there are also plans for Blackberry to use NFC, Apple might not be too far behind. This company will try to add NFC to the iPhone 5 device. Of course, Apple is well-known for providing the best features to iPhone devices.

Possible display for iPhone 5
At present the iPhone 4 features a retina display screen with a 960 x 640 pixel resolution. This is definitely the highest resolution when it comes to the smartphone options on the market. Based on the reports the latest iPhone will come with similar screen resolution. One more reason why Apple is not going to change the resolution is the fact that this might be a problem for development. Although the iPhone 4 supports the retina display, most of the applications' user interface is designed with the older models in mind. One of the advantages of having a retina display screen is that the images and text will be clearer and sharper.
These are just some of the possible iPhone5 features that Apple fans can expect when this next generation is released to the market.

Here's more on the iPhone 5 news

iPhone 5 To Possibly Feature Curved Glass

iPhone 5 To Possibly Feature Curved Glass

The speculation continues about what the next generation iPhone may or may not feature today with the rumour that the iPhone 5 could possibly come out to play packing a curved glass display like that seen on the Samsung Nexus S, and as Apple has previously used curved glass on the previous generation of the iPod Nano there is a possibility that this rumour could hold some substance.

According to an article over on Cult of Mac by way of Macrumors, this latest iPhone 5 speculation comes via DigiTimes claims that according to unnamed industry sources Apple is going to adopt curved glass for the iPhone 5g, or iPhone 4S as some are calling the device.

Apparently the word is the high cost of the tech to product curved glass makes glassmakers reluctant to adopt the tech but apparently Apple has forked out for 200 to 300 glass-cutting machines to do the task and apparently are being stored at "associated assembly plants."

As for just when we are likely to see the iPhone5, with or without curved glass, the article states…" There has been no timetable yet for the volume production of iPhone 5 as Apple is currently still working with related suppliers including those involved in cover glass, glass cutting, lamination and touch sensors to improve yield rates, the sources commented."

Having said all this, previous rumour has it that the next generation iPhone wouldn't be that much different from the iPhone 4 when it comes to design, so for now at least this latest rumour should be taken with a spoonful of Apple sauce.

iPhone 5G Case Design Shows Redesigned Camera Flash

iPhone 5G Case Design Shows Redesigned Camera Flash

GadgetsDNA points to a new Chinese case design found on Alibaba that claims to be for the "iPhone 5G".
1.100% brand new high quality crystal case for iphone 5g .
2. Provides a comfortable grip, added protection against accidental drops .
3. Perfectly fits the iPhone 5 g, easy to insert and remove .
What's unusual about the case is that it seems to depict a very thin-bezel design as well as a distinct camera design. (It should be noted that their iPhone 4 "crystal" designs also have little in the way of bezels") The camera flash appears to be on the opposite side of the case rather than adjacent to the camera itself.

While there's been talk of these more dramatic changes, the most recent reports have claimed that the next iPhone will actually only contain minor cosmetic differences over the iPhone 4.

It's possible we could see these design elements in the future if not the next release, as the iPod Touch camera was found in case designs a full release cycle ahead of the ultimate release.

Update: It should be noted that their iPhone 4 "crystal" cases also share the same thin edge, so the camera design alone may be main difference in the new iPhone case design. This would fit with the "minor cosmetic differences" described in the previous report.

five iPhone 5 alterations worth waiting on extended clock for

five iPhone 5 alterations worth waiting on extended clock for

The iPhone 5 is still on the clock, and those waiting for it will begin grading the results on a curve if it takes longer to arrive than previous iPhone iterations. From the fact that Apple is still launching new iPhone 4 iterations to the various claims of iPhone 5 delays to the lack of any production information, it's increasingly probable that the fifth generation iPhone will launch closer to fall 2011 than to summer. And that means that it had better be worth the wait in the eyes of those who will consider such a delay to have been pointless otherwise. Here are five features which would, if not by themselves then all combined, make the iPhone5 worth waiting for, even on an extended countdown clock.

Curves: The simplest trick Apple can pull off with the iPhone 5 is not just to make it thinner overall, which requires miniaturization of internal components, but to simply round off the corners. The flat-sided iPad 1 gave way to the curved-sided iPad 2 review, and it's been one of the most praised features of the second generation tablet. Apple can do the same with the iPhone 5g, rounding off those flat iPhone 4 sides which have always made the otherwise svelte model look and feel thicker than it actually is.

Colors: Forget just black and white. While other smartphone makers are limiting themselves to the two extremes of the greyscale spectrum, Apple could bust out additional colors. It already does so with the iPod nano. Imagine an iPhone 5 in green, blue, or purple – or at the least, a (PRODUCT)RED iPhone 5 special edition.

Capacity: There's a 64 GB iPod touch but not a 64 GB iPhone. That's simple enough for Apple to rectify with the iPhone 5, and almost shocking that it hasn't fixed this discrepancy earlier.

Screen: Can the iPhone 5 really be a more useful device simply by stretching the screen of the iPhone 4 screen width a few millimeters out to the outer edges of the device? Let's find out.

Software: iOS 4 was at least half of what made the iPhone 4 a worthy upgrade. iOS 5 should be the same story with the iPhone 5, and in fact may be the reaso for the delay. If Apple ensures that iOS 5 makes the iPhone 5 worth waiting longer for, then all could be enthusiastically forgiven. Here's more on the iPhone 5 news.

The Data Plan Dilemma Gets Uglier: Verizon To Drop Unlimited Plans Ahead of iPhone 5 Release

The Data Plan Dilemma Gets Uglier: Verizon To Drop Unlimited Plans Ahead of iPhone 5 Release

Data transfer is the lifeblood of smartphone usage — and the thing that sends mobile phone bills (and tempers) through the roof. New news of Verizon canceling its unlimited data plan ahead of the iPhone 5 release joins a recent report that AT&T is overcharging for data usage on the iPhone and iPad 2 review. When will the data gouging stop?

As the summer heats up, people might have more to stress about than the rising price of gasoline — a pair of news stories have surfaced this week concerning data plans on America's top mobile carries — AT&T and Verizon — and how iPhone users are systematically getting as gouged at the "data pump" as they are the gas pump.

The iPhone 5 News Blog posted an article earlier in the week about a class-action lawsuit filed against AT&T for purportedly overcharging all 20 million of their  iPhone and iPad users for "phantom" data transfers when the devices are not even in use, leading to bills that are anywhere from 7% to 300% higher than what they should be. Clearly, stories like this raise the level of concern on the part of prospective iPhone 5 customers, who fear that new features such as a cloud storage, NFC, and the 4G network (likely to debut in the iPhone 6), will only exacerbate data transfer usage. In our previous article, we postulated that the next shoe to drop on this developing story would focus on Verizon.

Well, the second shoe has dropped.

Tech media outlet ZDNET is reporting that, according to Verizon CEO Fran Shammo, their "unlimited data plans would be replaced by tiered service plans aimed at heavy users. Verizon's tiered data plans would likely mimic AT&T's own, which offer 250MB of data for $15 per month and 2GB for $25." This news comes ahead of the eventual release of the iPhone5 (or "iPhone 4s" as some have suggested it will be called), as well as several new Android phones that will have 4G LTE functionality. While consensus still remains that the next iPhone will now be a 4G smartphone, there are other possible features, such as cloud storage and NFC, which could lead to exponentially more data usage from iPhone users. It would seem that, in light of these possible new features, Verizon is positioning itself to gouge iPhone 5g users as they are potentially forced to swap data at much higher rates.

Data Plans: Moving In the Wrong Direction

Over the years, telecom-related plans have always moved from incremental billing to flat rate billing. Think about it: early Internet access on services like AOL were billed hourly, but eventually were forced to move to a flat rate billing model. The same has been true with long distance phone calls, with most land line voice plans replacing minute-by-minute billing with a flat rate.

Data plans, however, seem to be moving in the opposite direction.

With this news of Verizon abandoning unlimited data plans, smartphone users will be forced to scrutinize their own mobile Internet usage (particularly in our weak economy), much in the same way that mobile phone users have struggled to keep track of their "minutes" of phone usage. But as more and more mobile plans include either unlimited or high-level voice usage allowances, it is clear that carriers like Verizon and AT&T are looking for new ways to raise revenues, and hitting smartphone users up for data usage is clearly the new cash cow.

What the larger companies like Verizon and AT&T are failing to recognize is that they are giving price-leading mobile networks like Sprint the opportunity to undercut them on data plan pricing in the future. In the past, when Internet providers like AOL switched from hourly billing to flat rate pricing, it was a viable and necessary move, since more and more people were getting "online" every month; there were enough newcomers to the Internet experience to allow AOL to make more money with flat rate pricing, since it would attract more new customers.

But with an already established smartphone customer in place worldwide, carriers like Verizon would seemingly have more to lose by nixing their flat rate data plan, ostensibly losing that edge over their fiercest competitor, AT&T, and encouraging their own iPhone users to conserve and script on their data usage. And what if Sprint gets the iPhone 5? In spite of the fact that Sprint uses the slower CDMA technology, wouldn't the iPhone 5 paired with Sprint's Simply Everything plan look attractive compared to Verizon and AT&T nickel and diming iPhone 5 users on data?

Data plans are getting increasingly ugly for iPhone users, and it looks like the trend toward data gouging is only going to increase as the iPhone 5 looms closer.

Here's more on the iPhone 5 verizon

iPhone 5 To Possibly Feature Curved Glass

iPhone 5 To Possibly Feature Curved Glass

The speculation continues about what the next generation iPhone may or may not feature today with the rumour that the iPhone 5 could possibly come out to play packing a curved glass display like that seen on the Samsung Nexus S, and as Apple has previously used curved glass on the previous generation of the iPod Nano there is a possibility that this rumour could hold some substance.

According to an article over on Cult of Mac by way of Macrumors, this latest iPhone 5 speculation comes via DigiTimes claims that according to unnamed industry sources Apple is going to adopt curved glass for the iPhone 5g, or iPhone 4S as some are calling the device.

Apparently the word is the high cost of the tech to product curved glass makes glassmakers reluctant to adopt the tech but apparently Apple has forked out for 200 to 300 glass-cutting machines to do the task and apparently are being stored at "associated assembly plants."

As for just when we are likely to see the iPhone5, with or without curved glass, the article states…" There has been no timetable yet for the volume production of iPhone 5 as Apple is currently still working with related suppliers including those involved in cover glass, glass cutting, lamination and touch sensors to improve yield rates, the sources commented."

Having said all this, previous rumour has it that the next generation iPhone wouldn't be that much different from the iPhone 4 when it comes to design, so for now at least this latest rumour should be taken with a spoonful of Apple sauce.

Chủ Nhật, 5 tháng 6, 2011

iPhone 5 Jailbreaking

iPhone 5 Jailbreaking

One of the features that many never liked the IOS iPhone 5 Jailbreaking is the fact that Apple does not allow software upgrade without having to connect to iTunes. So, in fact, need to download the new firmware, connect to the computer and wait for the update.

iphone 5 unlock

According to the words of 9to5Mac however, with the introduction of iPhone 5 Jailbreak IOS 5.0 everything should be just a "bad" memory.
5.0 Obviously the same can not be introduced without wires, as unsupported by the current version of IOS, but all his successors should instead take off without having to require a link to your computer.

This seems iOS push beyond its famous closing time, which requires the transition from iTunes to many, if not almost all, functions. In short, taking place a kind of "androidizzazione" of IOS, which is an update that introduces features similar to those of the OS from Google, which allows devices to upgrade the mountain without the need for a PC / Mac.

Of course, this sounds very interesting, if not for the iPhone 5 Jailbreaking fact that updates introduced by Apple always have a sufficiently large weight. For as you have noticed, the firmware for different devices weigh average 500MB or more and make them available over the air "could lead to use of its 3G network really hard. It would be interesting to see what could be the move to Apple about it: If you decrease the size of the updates, or update, allows the cordless, but only in WiFi.

five iPhone 5 alterations worth waiting on extended clock for

five iPhone 5 alterations worth waiting on extended clock for

The iPhone 5 is still on the clock, and those waiting for it will begin grading the results on a curve if it takes longer to arrive than previous iPhone iterations. From the fact that Apple is still launching new iPhone 4 iterations to the various claims of iPhone 5 delays to the lack of any production information, it's increasingly probable that the fifth generation iPhone will launch closer to fall 2011 than to summer. And that means that it had better be worth the wait in the eyes of those who will consider such a delay to have been pointless otherwise. Here are five features which would, if not by themselves then all combined, make the iPhone5 worth waiting for, even on an extended countdown clock.

Curves: The simplest trick Apple can pull off with the iPhone 5 is not just to make it thinner overall, which requires miniaturization of internal components, but to simply round off the corners. The flat-sided iPad 1 gave way to the curved-sided iPad 2 review, and it's been one of the most praised features of the second generation tablet. Apple can do the same with the iPhone 5g, rounding off those flat iPhone 4 sides which have always made the otherwise svelte model look and feel thicker than it actually is.

Colors: Forget just black and white. While other smartphone makers are limiting themselves to the two extremes of the greyscale spectrum, Apple could bust out additional colors. It already does so with the iPod nano. Imagine an iPhone 5 in green, blue, or purple – or at the least, a (PRODUCT)RED iPhone 5 special edition.

Capacity: There's a 64 GB iPod touch but not a 64 GB iPhone. That's simple enough for Apple to rectify with the iPhone 5, and almost shocking that it hasn't fixed this discrepancy earlier.

Screen: Can the iPhone 5 really be a more useful device simply by stretching the screen of the iPhone 4 screen width a few millimeters out to the outer edges of the device? Let's find out.

Software: iOS 4 was at least half of what made the iPhone 4 a worthy upgrade. iOS 5 should be the same story with the iPhone 5, and in fact may be the reaso for the delay. If Apple ensures that iOS 5 makes the iPhone 5 worth waiting longer for, then all could be enthusiastically forgiven. Here's more on the iPhone 5 news.

iPhone 5 News

iPhone 5 News

The next generation iPhone 5 is due to launch this summer and to help you get to grips with what to expect, here is the latest iPhone 5 news.

There are some reports that are claiming that the iPhone 5 handset will get a totally new design but this is just a rumor at the moment.  What we do know, is that the iPhone 5's internals will be different.  The new iPhone 5 is going to run on a new combined CDMA/GSM/UTMS chipset from Qualcomm that will in the US support both AT&T and Verizon along with various other carriers worldwide.

When it comes to iPhone 5 news that details are minimal.  According to reports the new iPhone 5 is currently being tested by Apple's senior staff but even these people aren't giving out details and the only thing they seem to be saying is that it is a complete redesign.

iPhone 5 To Support NFC

The new Apple iPhone 5 is said to support NFC (near field communication).  This is the same technology that is being used in the Nexus S using the latest Android 2.3 release.  This chip will allow for data exchanges between two devices and it could also be used to form the basis for mobile payments.  Apple might be building a mobile wallet of sorts and there are rumors of iBuy, iCoupons and iPay apps being developed.

iPhone 5 to Have Cloud iTunes

In April 2010 Apple acquired which is a cloud based music streaming service.  What this means for the iPhone 5 could be that Apple is looking at giving iPhone 5 users the ability to purchase, download and even stream music from their phones for a monthly fee without the need for desktop software.

Facial Recognition For The iPhone 5

Another thing that you might see happening with the new iPhone 5 is the possibility that Apple is going to introduce facial recognition to improve their desktop products.  These include iPhoto and Aperture.  By integrating facial recognition into the iPhone 5 this could prove to be very beneficial and you will be able to have a phone that actually knows who you are.

That is about all we have when it comes to iPhone 5 news / iPhone 5 Pictures but you can be sure that there will be plenty more released in the upcoming months as the iPhone5 launch date draws ever near.

Thứ Bảy, 4 tháng 6, 2011

iPhone 5 curveballs range from T-Mobile to 4G to metal to actual curves

iPhone 5 curveballs range from T-Mobile to 4G to metal to actual curves

The iPhone 5 is all about the curveballs, from the undocumented release date to whatever tricks up it sleeve Apple has lined up for motivating current and potential iPhone users to plunk down on the new model. And they are potentially aplenty, from the 4G equation, to the T-Mobile question, to whether it might be made of bare metal, to the latest curveball: actual curves. Here's a look at what each of these curveballs would mean if real, and what the fallout would be in each case.

4G iPhone 5: The carriers all want this to happen. It's less clear how much the public wants it, as few understand what 4G is, and among those who do, most are aware that 4G LTE exists in very few places. But as of right now, 4G is the lone feature which competing smartphones can brag about having over the iPhone, at least on paper. Apple could seek to eliminate that potential gap by adding 4G to the iPhone 5 whether many folks will be able to take advantage of it or not.

T-Mobile iPhone 5: With AT&T already having the iPhone, and AT&T in the process of acquiring T-Mobile, it only makes sense that there will be a T-Mobile iPhone eventually. Whether that happens in time for the iPhone 5 release date is another story. But it would make for good television, so to speak, as many T-Mobile customers have made it clear they're not leaving their preferred carrier under any circumstances. So the only way Apple can get them on board is to bring the iPhone5 to them.

Metal iPhone 5: The original mostly-bare-metal iPhone, along with the bare-metal-backed iPad 1 and iPad 2, have only gone to show just how easily scratched and dented bare metal is. As it turns out, the glass used on the iPhone 4 is much stronger and more durable than any metal surface has ever employed – and that's going back to the comically scratchable mirrored chrome backing on various iPod models over the years. Unless Apple has come up with a new metal exterior which isn't absurdly fragile, this does not sound like good news. And whereas the iPhone 4 was the first iPhone which could be kept in perfect condition without a case (unless you're the overly clumsy type), a metal iPhone 5g would sound like the first iPhone in which you absolutely MUST keep it in a case. Fingers crossed that someone made this one up.

Curved iPhone 5 news : First there was talk of the iPhone 5 having rounded edges, which makes sense as the change was made to the iPad 2 review with positive results. Now there's talk that the iPhone 5 screen might also have curved edges. Huh? We'll have to wait til we see it to have an opinion, but the idea of a non-flat touchscreen surface would certainly be out there. Here's more on the iPhone 5 4g.

Ten Reasons Why The iOS Is Better Than Android, And Will Toshiba’s New 4″ Display Show Up In iPhone 5?

Ten Reasons Why The iOS Is Better Than Android, And Will Toshiba's New 4″ Display Show Up In iPhone 5?

Read Charles Moore's new report on how Apple may be putting Toshiba's new 4″ screen into the iPhone 5, plus 10 reasons why iOS still rules over Android.

Perhaps you're one of a growing number of prospective smartphone buyers or upgraders who's considering going with an Android handset instead of waiting for the iPhone5. If so, you might thank yourself for taking a look at a new column by LifeHacker's Adam Dachis, entitled "Top 10 Ways iOS Outdoes Android," before making the leap.

Adam isn't an Android-basher or Apple partisan, declaring that he loves both of these mobile operating systems and their corresponding hardware, and affirming that both operating systems have their respective strengths and weaknesses, but that in some areas he's convinced that the iOS outdoes Android. Worth checking to see whether they're ones that resonate with your needs and tastes.

In summary they are:
10. The iTunes Media Store
9. AirPlay
8. Find My iPhone
7. A Better Support System
6. Better Battery Life and Management
5. iTunes and Tethered Syncing
4. No Crapware
3. A Bigger and Better Variety of Apps
2. A Well-Designed, Intuitive User Interface
1. Consistency

If these ten reason why iOS still outshines Android sound like advantages that would be important to you, check out the complete discussion and explanation of why they are included on this list here, and let us know what you think.

Will Toshiba's New 4″ Smartphone Display Find Its Way Into The iPhone 5?

At the 2011 Society for Information Display (SID) conference held in in Los Angeles last week, Toshiba unveiled new high-resolution LTPS (Low Temperature Polycrystalline Silicon) smartphone displays, featuring up to 367ppi (pixels per inch) resolution density, in physical sizes ranging from 3.3-inch to 4.0-inch diagonal and supporting resolution formats ranging from Wide VGA (480 x 864) to HD (720 x 1280). Additionally, these displays will demonstrate advanced technologies such as high-contrast (up to 1,500:1), high-color (up to 92% NTSC), and wide viewing angle (up to H/V 176/176).

Toshiba's SID announcements of course beg the question of whether these new display technologies and particularly 4″-sized screens might find their way into a future iPhone version — perhaps even the iPhone 5g, although it's highly doubtful the rumored iPhone 4S, if that turns out to be the next iPhone 5 release later this year, will get a 4″ display.

Here's more on the iPhone5 news

iPhone 5 Will Feature Voice Recognition With iOS 5 Update

iPhone 5 Will Feature Voice Recognition With iOS 5 Update

A new report suggests that Apple has further established its relationship with Nuance; a speech recognition company that will supply the software for iOS 5 (the operating system we'll see featured on the iPhone 5).Its been speculated for quite some time that Apple was expected to enhance the iPhone's speech recognition capabilities, especially since Google has been clearly taking the lead with its own speech recognition which they boasted at a conference back in 2010.

However, Apple is now right in the speech recognition game and is expected to feature speech recognition software that will be in the form of a personal assistant thanks to it's acquisition of Siri (the name of the software owned by Nuance) last year.

There was some speculation surrounding whether Apple would integrate the voice software on time for their public announcement of iOS 5 this June, but everything seems to be right on track.

Most people presumed that the fifth generation operating system of much anticipated iPhone5 will highlight some key features like speech recognition software alongside some other key features; but with that being the biggest attraction (based on what we know so far at least).

According to the same report, an "anonymous tipster" had reported that people over at Microsoft were pushing Apple to adopt their voice recognition software and were quite disappointed when they were informed of Apple's acquisition of the company.

The report goes on to say that Apple and Nuance had been in "months and months of intense negotiations" as Apple wanted to be ensured the ability to build on the technology in which they own quite a few patents on.

Check out this video and you'll see exactly why Apple decided to acquire Nuance; it's really quite clear

Apple iPhone 5 Release

Apple iPhone 5 Release

As reported by AppleInsider , Apple is about to change the supplier of its environmental sensors that are integrated into our iPhone, iPod touch and iPad.


Unsatisfied of the performance of our devices, environmental sensors (especially the automatic brightness), Apple would have taken in testing new components for the next generation of iPhone.

As reported a few days ago by DigiTimes, Capella Microsystems was in talks with Apple to become an official supplier of components for its devices. That would make the Capella Microsystems, the first Taiwanese company to supply components for the iPhone officially.
The company has sold a month ago about one million of environmental sensors to HTC and now has sent the first test components to Apple, because of complaints from other users about the iPhone's ambient light sensor 4.

If such an agreement would be confirmed, the new sensors would be integrated into non iDevices 1 September 2012.
We will keep you updated.

Apple, Pandora, Backflip sued over iPhone data privacy

Apple, Pandora, Backflip sued over iPhone data privacy

A new lawsuit has been filed against Apple and two third party app developers, Pandora Media and Paper Toss maker Backflip Studios, claiming damages for users over allegations that their unauthorized private data was used to deliver targeted ads.

The case, filed in New York on behalf of Jarret Ammer by Peter Cambs of the Parker Waichman Alonso law firm, appears to be similar to a case filed in San Jose, California, last December.

Like the previous suit, the new complaint appears to be patterned directly upon a Wall Street Journal article which highlighted mobile apps as using the same kind of anonymous user tracking "cookies" that conventional web ad networks use to improve the relevance of display ads. The difference between the two cases involving smartphone apps and traditional web cookies is that smartphones have a Unique Device ID (UDID) that advertisers can reliably associate with a given user, and which may be linked with location data collected as the user carries the device.

The suit notes that "Apple certainly understands the significance of its UDID and users' privacy, as, internally Apple claims that it treats UDID information as 'personally identifiable information' because, if combined with other information, it can be used to personally identify a user."

However, the complaint also says Apple "does not provide users any way to delete or restrict access to their devices' UDIDs," and that while the company has set up policies to prohibit and remove any apps that "collect and send device data to a third party for processing or analysis," it continues to collect data allegedly collected from users without their consent.

The suit specifically notes that two apps described by the Wall Street Journal article are collecting data but not providing any "location based services" as outlined in the terms of service distributed with iPhone and iPad devices.

"None of these Defendants adequately disclose to Plaintiff and members of the proposed Class that they are transmitting such information to third-party advertising networks," the complaint states. "Plaintiff and members of the proposed class were harmed by Defendants' actions in that their personal, private information was obtained without their knowledge or consent."

The suit adds that Apple "aided and abetted" third party software developers by giving them "substantial assistance," opening the company up to liability for other defendant's torts. It also notes that because Apple is in a joint venture with third party developers, it is "thus legally responsible for the tortuous conduct alleged."

The complaint states that by "accessing and transmitting UDID and location data on the [smartphone] computer of Plaintiff and members of the proposed class, Defendants have accessed Plaintiffs' computer … in excess of the authorization" of those users, alleging that the defendants have violated the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act and New York Computer Crime Law.

The suit says the transmission of users' device IDs and location data "caused harm aggregating at least $5,000 in value," and seeks "recovery for this loss, as well as injunctive relief, to prevent future harm."

The suit also alleges that Apple and its developers have violated general business law related to "unconscionable and deceptive conduct" as well as "trespass to personal property" and taking property "in the form of information that is private and personal."

Thứ Sáu, 3 tháng 6, 2011

iPhone 5 Delayed Until October Says AT&T Rep

iPhone 5 Delayed Until October Says AT&T Rep

With the next generation iPhone whether you wish to call it the iPhone 5 or iPhone 4S, most rumours point to a September release for the iOS device; however according to the latest rumour apparently the iPhone 5 will not see release in September but October according to an AT&T rep.

According to an article over on Cult of Mac by way of Tech Goblin, a report claims that a report sourced via a user that recently spoke to an AT&T representative concerning signing up for the new iOS smartphone the rep apparently said that AT&T is telling staff the iPhone 5 white has been delayed until October due to the "white iPhone 4."

This latest rumour broke when Twitter user @halolordkiller3 tweeted this conversation…" Me "It's a shame that the iPhone5 won't come out till September now. I was hoping to get one because other rumors said that it may support Sprint and T-Mobile."

AT&T Employee "Actually I just got back from a cooperate meeting discussing the new iPhone 5. They said it won't be put in stores till October now due to the White iPhone 4. Apple wants as many sales as possible."

Me "That's a shame. I heard it was also suppose to be just one phone. Like it could work on AT&T Verizon etc."

AT&T Employee "That wasn't discussed at the meeting. I can't really see Apple doing that yet until the next iPhone after 5 when 4g will be on it."

So if this is true it appears that the iPhone 5g wont make an appearance on AT&T at least until October and also as suspected and previously reported the iPhone 5 4G compatibility, but then we all knew that didn't we.

Here's more on the iPhone 5 release date.

White iPhone 4 release: four surprising hints it offers about iPhone 5

White iPhone 4 release: four surprising hints it offers about iPhone 5

The white iPhone 4 is here, the iPhone 5 isn't, and there are now some surprising things we can glean from the former about the latter. Here are four hints the release of the new white iPhone 4 gives us about the upcoming iPhone 5.

Later than sooner: So much for a June iPhone 5 release date. The arrival of the white iPhone 4 now, basically May 2011, means the iPhone 5 can't be expected until the back end of summer.

Form factor: The white iPhone 4 marks the third time, after the Verizon iPhone 4 and the original iPhone 4, that Apple has made a big deal about the arrival of a new iPhone which has the exact same form factor. That space has officially been used up on the bingo card, and Apple knows it. Look for the iPhone 5, whenever it surfaces, to look noticeably different.

Aggression: Apple's willingness to push the white iPhone 4 out there this late into the iPhone 4 cycle means that Apple is willing to be proactively aggressive in ways it previously wasn't. While Apple's days of simply pushing one new update per product per year and letting it play out may or may not be over, this move on the heels of the Verizon iPhone 4 move says that Apple is now more willing to make intermediary moves between annual generational rollouts as needed, at least when it comes to the iPhone. Perhaps that's because, unlike Apple's other mobile products like the iPad and iPod, the iPhone actually has competition.

Predictability, or lack thereof: After releasing a Verizon iPhone 4 in the middle of the iPhone 4 era and a white iPhone 4 a month before it was expected to have released an iPhone 5, who knows what the hell Apple will do with the iPhone next or when it'll happen. But then that's exactly how Apple wants it, for competitive reasons if nothing else. And so for the first time in the iPhone's history, there's no roadmap for the iPhone's future. Something to keep in mind as we head into the iPhone 5 era, whenever and however it arrives. Here's more on the iPhone5. Here's more on the white iPhone 4.

iPhone 5 Features

iPhone 5 Features

Dear Apple please be upstanding while we take you through a few pointers of the top 5 most wanted iPhone 5 features that will make us applaud you.

There are so many new features customers would love to have on the next generation Apple smartphone and if the iPhone 5 expected to release in September incorporated any of the ones we mention below then happy days all round as they say.

iDB have given a few features and we have a few more, 1080p video capture would be a fantastic addition if Apple could give users this on the new iPhone 5 because seeing 1080p streaming to the Apple TV would be amazing.

Many have the GSM iPhone 4 and Verizon has the CDMA version so it makes sense to give all a world phone, basically the new iPhone 5g should have both GSM and CDMA capabilities. The third feature has to be a 720p front-facing camera, which would be perfect for FaceTime as the video call would be of superior quality.

Number four has to be a brand new design, please get rid of the glass back and bring us the old aluminium back cover or push the boat out and make it carbon fibre.

The Apple Mac Pro and Mac Airs feature the Thunderbolt port so surely the new upcoming iPhone 5 should have the same port. So far that is the top 5 most wanted iPhone 5 features 2011, if you have any more features you would like the iPhone5 to have please let us know.

Pushing The Boat Out (More Features): Edge-to-Edge display, 3D cameras, 4G technology, Smaller SIM cards, better battery life, 8-megapixel camera or better, Speech to Text Conversion

Here's more on the iPhone 5 news.

Apple Slows Production of iPhone 4 In Anticipation of iPhone 5/4S

Apple Slows Production of iPhone 4 In Anticipation of iPhone 5/4S

In what is now actually being deemed the 'iPhone 4S' (albeit to the disagreement of many tech analysts), Digitimes has reported that Apple has reduced their production of the iPhone 4 in anticipation of the iPhone 5 release this fall.Although Apple hasn't come out and outright said that they're not releasing the iPhone 5 this summer, the release of the white iPhone 4 earlier this month was more than enough to confirm that it won't be.

According to Digitimes, Apple is preparing for a Fall 2011 launch of the iPhone5 or "iPhone 4S" as they've put it and has lowered their expected shipment volumes for the iPhone 4 accordingly.

The report goes on to state that the "iPhone 4S" will feature the rumoured 8 megapixel camera that tech industry analysts have been buzzing about and also went on to confirm that it will also include an A5 dual-core processor that is also featured in the iPad 2 review (pretty powerful for a smartphone eh?).

The report also agreed with a handful of rumours that have been circulating recently about the re-locating of the LED flash and that the iPhone 5g/4S will not carry LTE (an unsubstantiated rumour that we didn't report on for just that reason).

The biggest news from this report is definitely the confirmation of the iPhone 5/4S and the growing likeliness of it having an 8MP camera, which is definitely a huge upgrade from the iPhone 4′s 5 megapixel camera. We're pretty excited about Apple's upgrading of the camera as it was an issue that was pretty unanimously targeted by Apple consumers, tech analysts and their competitors alike.

Catch up on previous iPhone 5 news here

Moved Camera Flash Another “Fix” For the iPhone 5, or a 3D Camera?

Moved Camera Flash Another "Fix" For the iPhone 5, or a 3D Camera?

Thanks to a purported leak of an iPhone 5 case, new rumors of the iPhone5 featuring a repositioned camera flash could be the result of yet another flawed design on the iPhone 4. But could that other cut-out also be for a rumored 3D camera?

iPhone users eager for a sneak peak at the iPhone 5′s form factor have been abuzz3D in conjecture over a recently-discovered iPhone case being offered on the trade site that purports to be for the "iPhone 5G." While the iPhone inside the photo is most definitely a mock-up, the case itself is possibly believed to be the product of a design leak from one of Apple's China-based component manufacturers, giving the tech community a kind of "outline" of what the form factor of the iPhone 5 may end up being.

While many have focused on the sloped shoulders of the purported iPhone 5 case's chassis and seemingly-edge-to-edge screen, new reports are taking notice of a considerable shift in the position of the rear-facing flash. As opposed to the positioning of the iPhone 4′s LED flash — which sits just to the side of the camera sensor — the mysterious iPhone 5 case features a cutout on the other side of the rear face of the design.

If this indeed is an inside peak at what the iPhone 5 features, what would a repositioned camera flash mean? Given some of the issues with the camera flash on the iPhone 4, would this not constitute yet another "fix" on the iPhone 5?

Or, could that circular cutout be for something revolutionary for the iPhone 5, such as a 3D camera?

iPhone 4 Camera Flash Issues: a History

Camera flash issues are nothing new for the iPhone 4. Early on in the release of the iPhone 4 in the Summer of 2010, there were numerous reports of the iPhone 4 taking yellowed photos. Heather Kelly at Macworld did a thorough investigation of the issue way back in July of 2010, most of which was inconclusive, stating: "Hopefully, this isn't a hardware issue involving the camera's lens, and Apple can fix the problem with an update to the iPhone 4′s firmware."

It still remains to be seen what the culprit of the camera flash issues on some iPhone 4s are: while some believed that it was a software issue, others suggested it was a design flaw in the LED flash, or even an effect of shoddy, poorly-designed iPhone 4 cases.

More recently, Apple purportedly had to deal with similar problems with the white iPhone 4′s chassis. Cult of Mac, which predicted the release of the white iPhone 4 perfectly, indicated in a report from October of 2010 that the white plastic was letting too much light into the case, affecting the clarity of photos: "The handset's semi-translucent glass case leaks light in, ruining pictures taken with the internal camera, especially when the built-in flash is used." It was this flaw that caused the delay in the release of the white iPhone 4.

While Apple only made nominal changes to the positioning of camera components to compensate for the white iPhone 4, the iPhone 5 could feature a dramatic repositioning of the camera flash, particularly if it is looking to invest in an 8-megapixel camera and upping the ante on the iPhone being consider a serious picture-taker.

Is that a repositioned camera flash, or another 3D camera sensor?

Of course, if this is the case, it will be yet another "fix" for an iPhone 4 flaw: first the antenna, now the camera flash. As we've commented before, Apple cannot sell fixes like these as "new features," and raise conjecture about the quality of the previous device.

Could Two Cutouts on the Purported iPhone 5 Case Be For a 3D Camera Array?

There is another more exciting possible feature that the two cutouts on the iPhone 5 case could suggest: t a 3D camera array. Rumors of a 3D camera have gained little traction over the past year, with most reports focusing on a relatively nondescript Apple patent, which outlines the schematics for taking 3D photos. Typically, patents such as there are years away from seeing mainstream introduction, but the purported iPhone 5 case design features several elements that conform to the schematics of the 3D camera patent.

Could that cutout be for a second camera sensor with integrated LED flash?

3d image for iphone 5 3d cameraTo achieve a 3D image, two offset photos would need to be taken to create a "stereo" image.

All accounts of the Apple 3D camera patent's schematic show the placement of three sensors, whereas the purported iPhone 5 case only accounts for two. But other elements of the patent explain that Apple's approach to achieving 3D would be accomplished not through software alone, but through hardware as well, as Neil Hughes at Apple Insider explains, noting that current 3D software "must 'guess' at how to perform stereo disparity compensation for 3D images. Those guesses, Apple said, can result in images with artifacts in a composed 3D image that would result in a poor quality photo. Apple's method would instead employ a hardware-based approach with a 'deterministic calculation for stereo disparity compensation.'"

The notion of a "stereo" image, together with an example photo from the patent, suggests that perhaps Apple has managed to capture 3D photo-taking technology with just two sensors.

there's no doubt that 3D technology is a hot commodity right now, and even though we've written about how Apple Should Put the Brakes on 3D Photo Technology for the iPhone 5, 3D photo capabilities would be a mind-blowing new feature that would define the iPhone 5 not as a simple refresh, but rather as a next-generation device. It could also make up for the lack of 4G capabilities.

Chances are, 3D technology is still a way's off for the iPhone, and a shady iPhone 5 case design isn't nearly enough to put a 3D camera into the "probable" column for iPhone 5 features. But if that case is real, it's time to start think out of the box for what else it could be.

Ten Reasons Why The iOS Is Better Than Android, And Will Toshiba’s New 4″ Display Show Up In iPhone 5?

Ten Reasons Why The iOS Is Better Than Android, And Will Toshiba's New 4″ Display Show Up In iPhone 5?

Read Charles Moore's new report on how Apple may be putting Toshiba's new 4″ screen into the iPhone 5, plus 10 reasons why iOS still rules over Android.

Perhaps you're one of a growing number of prospective smartphone buyers or upgraders who's considering going with an Android handset instead of waiting for the iPhone5. If so, you might thank yourself for taking a look at a new column by LifeHacker's Adam Dachis, entitled "Top 10 Ways iOS Outdoes Android," before making the leap.

Adam isn't an Android-basher or Apple partisan, declaring that he loves both of these mobile operating systems and their corresponding hardware, and affirming that both operating systems have their respective strengths and weaknesses, but that in some areas he's convinced that the iOS outdoes Android. Worth checking to see whether they're ones that resonate with your needs and tastes.

In summary they are:
10. The iTunes Media Store
9. AirPlay
8. Find My iPhone
7. A Better Support System
6. Better Battery Life and Management
5. iTunes and Tethered Syncing
4. No Crapware
3. A Bigger and Better Variety of Apps
2. A Well-Designed, Intuitive User Interface
1. Consistency

If these ten reason why iOS still outshines Android sound like advantages that would be important to you, check out the complete discussion and explanation of why they are included on this list here, and let us know what you think.

Will Toshiba's New 4″ Smartphone Display Find Its Way Into The iPhone 5?

At the 2011 Society for Information Display (SID) conference held in in Los Angeles last week, Toshiba unveiled new high-resolution LTPS (Low Temperature Polycrystalline Silicon) smartphone displays, featuring up to 367ppi (pixels per inch) resolution density, in physical sizes ranging from 3.3-inch to 4.0-inch diagonal and supporting resolution formats ranging from Wide VGA (480 x 864) to HD (720 x 1280). Additionally, these displays will demonstrate advanced technologies such as high-contrast (up to 1,500:1), high-color (up to 92% NTSC), and wide viewing angle (up to H/V 176/176).

Toshiba's SID announcements of course beg the question of whether these new display technologies and particularly 4″-sized screens might find their way into a future iPhone version — perhaps even the iPhone 5g, although it's highly doubtful the rumored iPhone 4S, if that turns out to be the next iPhone 5 release later this year, will get a 4″ display.

Here's more on the iPhone5 news

Thứ Năm, 2 tháng 6, 2011

iPhone 5G

iPhone 5G

We have received several reports that Apple is strengthening ties with the company Nuance to develop voice recognition software. It is hoped that this will allow them to match and hopefully supersede such capabilities as exist on Google's Android iphone 5g.

Existing voice recognition software on iOS has been in the past provided by Microsoft, however as it developed an inferior reputation to Google's Android's abilities it seems that this development is an attempt by Apple to strengthen its place as industry leader in the phone market.

Competition between Apple and Google has become increasingly fierce over the past couple of years; with Apple adding Microsoft Bing support and it's own 'Google Maps' clone, it has increasingly come to see Google as it's prime competitor rather than partner.

It is in this context that this move must be seen and it's likely that rather than any strategic disagreement between Apple and Microsoft, Apples move towards Nuance is simply due to them being able to design better software.

Rumors on the internet are also declaring that Apples massive data center in North Carolina is already utilizing Nuance voice recognition technology and that this integration occurred in defiance of Microsoft demands that their software be better integrated into iOS5.

Running Nuance software in Apples data center is beneficial for numerous  reasons, firstly it allows them to build upon the software as they see fit, without having to run it through third party servers first. It would also allow them to process data much faster, compared to having to send data to Nuance servers and then wait for it to come back again.

So why did Apple decide to partner with Nuance? The answer to this is is to do with who owns the patents that underlay voice recognition technology, the vast majority of them belonging to Nuance and Google. Given the fact that almost all the worlds voice recognition experts work for these two companies, Apple didn't really have a choice in going with Nuance if they were to develop new and Google beating software.

What this all means for Apple fans anticipating the WWDC coming up this summer is that the Apple/Nuance partnership is likely to play a big role in Apples new cloud initiative which is set to be a huge part of iOS5. Whether prospective developers will get any further insight to this at the WWDC is as of yet to be known.

Here's more on the iPhone 5g

Screw iPhone 5 rumors, the nano may be getting games

Screw iPhone 5 rumors, the nano may be getting games

iPod nano rumors seem to be heating up this week. It started with a "leaked" nano case that shows off a rear-facing camera. Now, a patent has surfaced that shows the iPod nano not only gaining a camera, but also motion sensors and games.

Yup, you read that right.Video games on your nano. It wouldn't be the first time that Apple managed to sneak games onto an iPod with a small screen. The original iPod shipped with a hidden edition of Brick, a game originally developed by Steve Wozniak. Down the road Apple also added Parachute, Solitaire, and Music Quiz. Then it was officially game on time. Apple announced in September 2006 that games would be coming to the iTunes store and would include 9 other games for the iPod, including Bejewled. Again, it should be noted that these games did not require iOS and shipped long before both iPod touch and iPhone.


ipod nano Screw iPhone 5 rumors, the nano may be getting games

It seems that Apple's at least thinking about bringing games of this variety back to the iPod nano. Not every patent filed by Apple comes to fruition, so there's also a chance that this doesn't happen at all. That being said, there are a couple of things I wouldn't mind seeing in a new updated iPod nano.

  1. FaceTime. The ability to take FaceTime calls from my iWatch would fantastic.
  2. iOS notifications. James Gifford brought this one up in the comments a couple of days ago. The more I think of it, the more I think he's on to something. Imagine getting your iOS notifications to your iWatch? Missed calls, appointment reminders, and text messages would be fantastic on my wrist. FANTASTIC.

iPhone 5 burial complete as white iPhone 4 now ships in 24 hours

iPhone 5 burial complete as white iPhone 4 now ships in 24 hours

Speak not of the iPhone 5, as Apple has not only killed any chance of a prompt summer release, it's attempting to all but bury the product for now by instead distracting the public with a shiny new white iPhone 4. It doesn't do anything that the existing iPhone 4 didn't already do, but that doesn't matter. By mischievous design all long or by accident as claimed, the uber-late arrival of the white iPhone 4 has breathed new life into the iPhone 4 lineup in the most shallow of ways – but also in a surprisingly effective manner. Our anecdotal research has revealed that iPhone 4 sales have indeed seen a significant spike since the release of the white iPhone 4. And unlike some recent Apple product launches (iPad 2, original iPhone 4) which saw Apple oddly unable to produce a respectable amount of initial inventory to meet said demand, has now confirmed that new white iPhone 4 orders will be fulfilled in 24 to 48 hours, meaning that Apple did remember to make a few this time around. So what does that mean for the iPhone 5?

Here's the hard for Apple: nearly every white iPhone 4 sale now will translate to one less iPhone 5 sale when the next generation first arrives. Few will eat the cost of not only buying two new iPhones within the span of less than half a year, but also plunking down $250 above sticker price to get the latter of the two, as buying a white iPhone 4 from either Verizon or AT&T will plunge you into unsubsidized territory when the iPhone 5 arrives. But for its part, Apple apparently doesn't care. Either device will pull the user more tightly into the iOS experience, buying more apps, music, and video from the App Store. And if the white iPhone 4 is the user's first iPhone, the odds are that said user will stick around in the long term – even if it was something as shallow as the sudden availability of a white model which lured them in.

Waiting for the iPhone 5 is still an easily defensible position: it'll undoubtedly be a better all around product than the iPhone 4, at the same or better price, and it'll almost certainly be here by the fall. But whereas waiting for a June iPhone 5 would have automatically qualified as the "smart move" to make, the fact that the white iPhone 4 signals a later iPhone 5 arrival means that there's no real reason to argue against getting a white iPhone 4 now. And as such, Apple's attempt at burying the iPhone 5 is at least a partial success. The arrival of the white iPhone 4 hasn't gotten people to stop talking about the iPhone 5, it hasn't gotten them to stop asking when the iPhone 5 release date will be, and it hasn't gotten them to stop asking whether they should wait for it. But just the fact that the white iPhone 4 has suddenly pushed the iPhone 4 back into the conversation this late in its life cycle means that for whatever reason Apple has delayed the iPhone 5, the interstitial white iPhone 4 means the company is making the best of the situation. Here's more on the white iPhone 4 and iPhone5.

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iPhone 5 feautures

iPhone 5 feautures

In 2011, we have seen some of the most up-to-date breakthroughs when it comes to mobile computing technologies. A few of the best smartphones that was released this year with the newest software and hardware platforms include Motorolla Atrix, HTC Thunderbolt, Samsung Galaxy S2, amongst others. Now, there are rumors online about the expected launch of Apple's iPhone 5 which is the next generation of mobile. As a result, consumers are speculating about the possible iPhone 5 features.

Better Graphics and Dual Core Processor
Following the launch of iPad 2 and various other smartphones with quicker dual core processors, consumers are expecting that the A5 chip will be in the new iPhone. This A5 has a dual core ARM Cortex A9 MP Core processor as well as a dual core Power VR SGX543MP2 GPU. The A5 is listed by Apple to function at 1 GHz based on the technical specifications of ipad 2 review, though it could dynamically change its frequency in order to conserve battery life. According to Apple, this CPU will be two times as powerful, while the GPU will be nine times as powerful as the forerunner.
One more important component of this chip would be its efficiency of battery life. When iPad 2 was released to the market, it was announced that we can expect 10 hours of battery life with its improved performance and hardware. The exact same thing should be expected from the iPhone 5g.
Near-Field Communication
Most of the rumors are focused on whether or not iPhone5 will come with hardware for Near-Field Communication. Given that Google's Nexus S featured the NFC technology and there are also plans for Blackberry to use NFC, Apple might not be too far behind. This company will try to add NFC to the iPhone 5 device. Of course, Apple is well-known for providing the best features to iPhone devices.

Possible display for iPhone 5
At present the iPhone 4 features a retina display screen with a 960 x 640 pixel resolution. This is definitely the highest resolution when it comes to the smartphone options on the market. Based on the reports the latest iPhone will come with similar screen resolution. One more reason why Apple is not going to change the resolution is the fact that this might be a problem for development. Although the iPhone 4 supports the retina display, most of the applications' user interface is designed with the older models in mind. One of the advantages of having a retina display screen is that the images and text will be clearer and sharper.
These are just some of the possible iPhone5 features that Apple fans can expect when this next generation is released to the market.

Here's more on the iPhone 5 news